Whilst there are numerous counselling practices in West London, several of which offer couples counselling amongst their range of services, few are totally dedicated to helping with couple relationship problems in the way that Couples Matter are. For over ten years, Berkshire couples have benefitted from this highly successful approach which has now been set up in Chiswick to serve West Londoners.

The busy lifestyles and competing pressures which many Londoners face can create problems in even the strongest of relationships, and whether you’ve experienced serious problems, e.g. an affair or abuse, or are just at the stage of feeling that things aren’t quite right, couples counselling can help.

In a non-threatening, supportive and confidential environment we can help couples to understand what is causing the problem and guide them to find a way forward. This isn’t just a “talking shop”, nor should it be a protracted process requiring you to spend countless hours on our practice room with no obvious benefits. We use our specialist training to help you to talk about and get to the root of your problems, find a way to communicate with each other in a more constructive way and focus on changing behaviours. Talking to a professional who isn’t directly involved in the relationship and won’t try to tell you what to do but will help you to work it out for yourself, can be a very powerful process and the non-judgemental techniques we use do work – we know from experience!

How do you know if you need external support?

Here are a few of the common reasons why people seek help:

  • Has your communication (either verbal or non-verbal) deteriorated to the point where you try to avoid it?
  • Are you arguing a lot?
  • Has sex dwindled, become a chore or non-existent?
  • Do you suspect, or know, that your partner is having an affair?
  • Have you stopped doing things together or feel that you’re drifting apart?
  • Are you contemplating leaving but don’t want to break up your family?
  • Are you feeling angry about something and you can’t let it go?
  • Do you feel that it’s only the children that are keeping you together?
  • Major life changes, such as children leaving home, or your retirement
  • In general terms, do you feel that something is wrong but you don’t know how to fix it?

Don’t wait until things get too bad to cope. Call us for an initial appointment where we can explore the issues you’re facing and the changes you want to achieve, then set out a plan to help you to make a real difference in your relationship. Every couple we work with is different, and we tailor our approach to get the best results, in a way that works for you. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure whether to come on your own, just give us a call.

Find out more about our services here.